About SDGs

Sustainable Cities and Communities

2020-12-07 10:30:33 19

Build inclusive, safe, risk-resistant and sustainable cities and human settlements.

Cities play a pivotal role in the development of various concepts, commerce, culture, science, productivity, and society. When a city is operating at its best, people can improve socially and economically. However, there are still many challenges in the process of urban development, including how to create job opportunities and prosperity without causing a shortage of land and resources.

Challenges that cities often face include congestion, lack of funds to provide basic services, housing shortages, and decline in infrastructure. The challenges faced by cities can be solved through continuous prosperity and development, while improving resource utilization and reducing pollution and poverty. The future we look forward to also includes cities that provide opportunities for everyone and enable everyone to access basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

      Current status and challenges of urban development:

       ●  About 3.5 billion of the global population currently live in cities

       ●  By 2030, nearly 60% of the world’s population, about 5 billion people, will live in urban areas

       ●  About 95% of urban expansion in the next few decades will occur in the developing world

       ●  There are currently 828 million people living in slums, and this number is still rising

       ●  The area of cities in the world is only 2% of the earth’s land, but energy consumption reaches 60-80% and generates 75% of carbon emissions

       ●  Rapid urbanization has put pressure on fresh water supply, sewage treatment, living environment, and public health

       ●  But a city with a high density of population can bring about efficiency improvements and technological innovation, while reducing resource and energy consumption