Training Course


2021-01-23 21:51:33 sisd 64

What is sustainable development report assurance?

Sustainable development report (or corporate social responsibility report, ESG report) is a carrier for enterprises to disclose the impact of their business activities on economy, society, environment and governance performance to stakeholders periodically and systematically. The assurance of sustainable development report is that the information disclosed in the report is traced and cross verified by an independent third party. Third party organizations usually conduct authentication according to the standards used in the preparation of the report, and they can also choose other standards for authentication.

Assurance process of Sustainable Development Report

Report information collection of the organization to be authenticated → business negotiation and contract signing → preparation for authentication → implementation of authentication → report amendment → issuance of authentication statement

Gri standards 2016 / 2018;

Appendix 27 environmental, social and governance reporting guidelines (HKEx ESG guidelines) to the main board listing rules of the stock exchange of Hong Kong;

Seven guiding principles of international comprehensive report (IIRC).

The necessity of sustainable development report verification

The introduction of independent, fair and authoritative third-party authentication has stabilized the enterprise's commitment to the authenticity, reliability and integrity of the report information made by the stakeholders. It has a positive significance to enhance the value of the report and promote the sustainable development of the enterprise. It can stimulate the trust of the stakeholders and bring more value to the enterprise and the stakeholders. In its new environmental, social and governance reporting guidelines, the stock exchange of Hong Kong explicitly encourages enterprises to choose independent third parties to verify the reports. In 6.2.2 of hj617-2011 guidelines for the preparation of enterprise environmental report, the verification of enterprise environmental report should be described in the report preparation instructions.

The business value of sustainable development report authentication

Ensure the authenticity and reliability of information - through authoritative third-party authentication, ensure that the information you disclose to stakeholders and the public is transparent, true, objective, reliable, complete and effective.

Enhance the persuasiveness of the report - our expert team has a high level of professionalism, in accordance with international standards and follow rigorous assurance steps to provide assurance statements with high reference value to enhance the persuasiveness of your report.

Enhance the authority of the report - by obtaining t Ü V Nande's verification of your sustainable development report, the authority of your report will be greatly enhanced.

Encourage the confidence of stakeholders - a highly professional, objective and independent assurance statement can increase your commitment to stakeholders and enhance their confidence in the operation and development of the enterprise.

Strengthen the interaction and feedback of information -- in view of the problems found in the report, we should communicate with enterprises in the process of authentication, put forward reasonable improvement suggestions, form a benign interaction mode, and promote the progress and development of enterprises.

Win the comprehensive advantage - strengthen your efforts and performance in sustainable development to the public and stakeholders, and enhance the comprehensive competitive advantage.

Overview of our services

Three plates, eight products, to provide customers with one-stop sustainable development service technology solutions.

Module 1: knowledge services

1. Information disclosure

2. Integration of ESG strategic objectives

3. ESG performance improvement

Module 2: audit and certification

1. Report verification

2. Supply chain due diligence management system evaluation

3. Aluminum management initiative certification (ASI)

4. ILO enterprise sustainable development project score

Module 3:

1. Advanced course of sustainable development capacity building

-Report preparation workshop

-Gri sustainable development report standard application course

-Training course on the new guidelines of environmental, social and Governance Report of the stock exchange of Hong Kong

-Workshop on stakeholder engagement

-Target management of sustainable development