
  • Alliance in Sustainable Development

    IntroductionThe Alliance in Sustainable Development is based on consolidated research and experience that serves as antecedent to this initiative. For 2 years Universidad del Rosario served as a platf

    2021-02-01 sisd 230

  • Good Practices for food loss and waste reduction

    IntroductionFood waste in the world can cause about U$ 750 billion/year of financial losses. According to FAO, 54% of the food waste occurs in the initial phase of production - in post-harvest and sto

    2021-02-01 sisd 271

  • “Objectif 2030” address the comprehensive information and the concrete progress of the sustainable development goals by trainings and innovative actions and solutions that combine social inclusion, ec

    IntroductionAction plan for humanity, planet, peace and prosperity, the Sustainable development goals based on a renewed partnership between all countries and actors in society, seek to mobilize stake

    2021-02-01 sisd 256

  • 上海绿色自治地图:广泛社会参与的绿色发展

    介绍上海绿色自治地图项目是以绿色为入口,由专业社会组织发起的旨在促进居民参与、自治的能力和社会交往,提升街区活力,动员居民广泛参与城市生态发展的社会创新实践。2014年 12 月上海“四叶草堂”组织在杨浦区一条废弃的火车轨道边建成第一个城市公共空间中的“火车菜园”,2016 年 6 月培育出第一个住宅小区内居民参与的社区花园“百草园”,2016年 7 月在商业和住宅混合公共区域内建成“创智农园”,

    2021-01-29 sisd 426

  • 全球视野城市行动:纽约市对可持续发展目标的自愿地方审查


    2021-01-22 sisd 376

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