About SDGs

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

2020-12-07 10:40:20 48

Promote a peaceful and inclusive society conducive to sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and establish effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

In 2012, at the Rio+20 Conference, countries reiterated that freedom, peace and security, and respect for human rights were included in the new development framework based on the Millennium Development Goals, and emphasized that a just and democratic society is a necessary condition for achieving sustainable development. Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals is committed to building a peaceful and inclusive society for the realization of sustainable development, providing access to justice for all, and establishing effective and accountable systems at all levels.

      Challenges to economic growth and full employment:

       ●  Between 1990 and 2010, considering the size of the population, income inequality in developing countries rose by an average of 11%

       ●  The vast majority of families in developing countries-75% of the total population-now live in a society where income distribution is more unequal than in the 1990s

       ●  Significantly reduce all forms of violence around the world and reduce related mortality

       ●  Stop the abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children

       ●  Promote the construction of the rule of law at the international and national levels to ensure that all people have equal access to judicial relief

       ●  Significantly reduce the circulation of illegal funds and weapons by 2030, strengthen the recovery of stolen goods, and combat all forms of organized crime

       ●  Substantial reduction of all forms of corruption and bribery

       ●  Establish an effective, accountable and transparent system at all levels

       ●  Ensure the responsiveness, inclusiveness, participation and representativeness of decision-making at all levels

       ●  Expand and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the global governance system

       ●  By 2030, provide legal identity for everyone, including birth registration

       ●  In accordance with domestic legislation and international agreements, ensure the public’s right to know and protect fundamental freedoms

       ●  Utilize various means including international cooperation to strengthen the construction of relevant domestic systems, especially in developing countries, improve the capabilities of institutions at all levels, prevent violence, combat terrorism and crime

     Promote and implement non-discriminatory laws and policies to promote sustainable development