

2021-07-02 09:35:48 sisd 270




1. 降低城市碳排放

通过改善水、农业、能源和其他资源的需求和分配,为降低城市碳排放提供创新解决方案,并为易受气候变化影响的地区(如沿海地区) 提供解决方案。


2. 清洁高效的能源生产和存储



3. 再制造



4. 可持续土壤治理



本次竞赛面向私营部门,欢迎中小微企业、大型集团及创业企业分享技术专长、专业知识和最佳实践,帮助解决气候变化带来的全球挑战。申请者可以在上述任意一个领域提交申请,且必须属于以下子类别之一: 处于早期阶段的技术解决方案; 成长期的技术解决方案; 成熟的技术解决方案。

专家评审团将对提交的申请进行评估,并在竞赛的四个领域和三个子类别中选拔最多 12 名获胜者。获奖者将于 2021 年 10 月 26 日举办的线上线下混合式颁奖仪式上宣布。除此之外,获奖者还有机会在全球征集战略领域相关的国际活动中展示创新解决方案,并将从工发组织投资与技术促进网络的支持中获益。



Registration is now open for the Global Call for Innovative Solutions in Cleantech and Sustainable Land Management. The international competition aims to identify and promote readily deployable and scalable solutions and innovative technologies from the private sector, which address the adverse effects of climate change and ultimately contribute to inclusive, resilient, and sustainable economic development in developing countries. 

Initiated by the UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Germany (ITPO Germany) and hosted by the UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Network (ITP Network), this year’s Global Call is supported by other UN agencies, such as UNCCD and UNFCCC. It is conducted in cooperation with Future Cleantech Architects (FCA), a leading German Think Tank and focuses on four categories: 

1.Decarbonizing growing urban environments

Innovative solutions for decarbonizing growing urban environments by addressing the demands and distribution of water, agricultural, energy, mobility and other resources, as well as solutions for areas that are vulnerable to climate change (e.g. coastal areas)

2.Clean and efficient energy generation and storage

Innovative solutions for generating and distributing energy in a clean and smart way, especially affordable and decentralized renewable energy solutions that are applicable in developing countries

3.Circular production and industrial processes

Innovative solutions related to the re-use, re-cycling and re-manufacturing of resources, as well as energy and process efficiency solutions and smart approaches for more climate-cautious consumption

4.Sustainable land management

Innovative solutions for productive lands, including new technologies and approaches to production with a demonstrable positive contribution to soil health, land rehabilitation and combating desertification.

The competition is open to private sector entities (micro, small, medium, and large companies & startups) interested in sharing their technical expertise, know-how and best practices which can contribute to solve the global challenges posed by climate change. Applications can be submitted in one of the above-mentioned categories and must fall into one of the following sub-categories: technological solutions in the early stage; technological solutions in the growth stage; mature technological solutions.

Submitted applications will be evaluated by a jury of experts who will determine a maximum of 12 winners, in line with the four categories and three subcategories of the competition. Winners will be announced during a hybrid Award Ceremony on 26 October 2021. Besides other rewards, the winning applicants will be offered to showcase their solutions at international events related to the Global Call’s strategic categories and will receive advisory services from the ITP Network.

Applications must be received until 2 August 2021.