
“Objectif 2030” Address the Comprehensive Information and the Concrete Progress of the Sustainable Development Goals

2021-01-29 14:59:03 sisd 41

Action plan for humanity, planet, peace and prosperity, the Sustainable development goals based on a renewed partnership between all countries and actors in society, seek to mobilize stakeholders in all their diversity, but also by stimulating their capacity for collective innovation to transform our development models in an inclusive and sustainable way. the Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD) has implemented since 2017, the Objectif 2030 initiative to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the French speaking countries. It seeks to address the need for comprehensive information on sustainable development and to support innovative actions and solutions that combine social inclusion, economic growth and nature protection. The time-frame is from January 2017 to September 2030

Objective of the practice

Dedicated to the not state actors, Objectif 2030 initiative aims to build and strength a committed citizen movement which translates the Sustainable development goals into exemplary and adapted actions. The initiative spreads a participative tool of funding and technical support of projects which ally social inclusion, economic progress and protection of the planet, to create communities of solutions around them, and to allow their replication other contexts.
The initiative "Objective 2030" aim to generate concrete progress on sustainable development. It tries to support actions and innovative solutions through a digital platform of training, technical and financial support and a space for sharing good practices. The SDGs can only be achieved if everyone contributes. Aligning with SDG 17, the initiative builds strong engagement with new inclusive partnerships to strengthen the means to implement and revitalize a Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. Sustainable development requires a strong commitment coupled with partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society.

Key stakeholders and partnerships

The Institut de la Francophonie pour le dveloppement durable (IFDD) is a subsidiary body of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in charge of the implementation of programmes and initiatives related to sustainable development. The institute has a great level of autonomy in terms of management and is administrated by an international and regional balance board. The board is working to identify emerging issues, trends and priorities, review activity reports, lay down additional guidelines within the current budgetary constraints -, propose strategies and tools for implementing programmes and contribute to the follow-up and review of programme implementation. The Senghor University of Alexandria, partner of the Objectif 2030 initiative, is in charge of coordinating all pedagogical aspects.

Implementation of the Project/Activity

The Initiative has three components: - A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), animated by the Senghor University of Alexandria and aimed at facilitating the understanding sustainable development issues along with the operationalization of citizen solutions supporting sustainable development. At the end of the course, students have acquired the practical tools making them fit for undertaking and generating sustainable development projects. At least one training session is organized each year. - A technical and financial participatory support tool, which aims at presenting initiatives dedicated to sustainable development and creating solution-based communities around them. The users of the platform can furthermore collaborate in several ways: financial donations, mobilization of resources volunteering, and sharing information as well as good practices. - A communication space diffusing case studies and audiovisual contents showing progress of participatory projects and thus contributing to capacity-building and replication


- Development of the Objectif 2030 online platform (

- Organization of the three online training sessions: More than 13 300 students originating from 118 countries followed a course on sustainable development issues and actions (seven educational modules structured into 35 videos)

- Call for proposals: 784 field projects have been submitted to the Objectif 2030 platform and 40 of them selected to benefit from the technical and financial participatory tool (4 916 592 beneficiaries from 19 countries). Ten of them have already been totally funded (14 308 beneficiaries)

- Organization of a side event to the HLPF2017 on "Helping people embrace the SDG's: what innovative strategies to use ?"
- Production and diffusion of 5 web broadcasts in order to develop capacity building and share experience as well as the scaling-up of frugal innovations.

Enabling factors and constraints

One of the main components of the initiative is the online training of thousands of peoples. Six educational modules on sustainable development issues and actions have been developed and are continuously delivered. Furthermore, all implemented projects are capitalized on the basis of practical guides, case studies and audio-visual contents, in order to develop capacity building and experience sharing as well as the scaling of frugal innovations supported by the Objectif 2030 initiative.

Sustainability and replicability

Overall, the Objectif 2030 initiative has achieved the level of results expected at this point. The three first year with full operational capacity (annual training sessions, concrete actions and solutions, best practices sharing) for the initiative and we are still learning from this step. Areas for improvement, sustainability and replicability include coordination amongst the project's partners, diversification of course material, increased sources of funding to support field projects, large communication, citizen mobilization and development of more targeted efforts to support replication.
Particular emphasis is placed on human potential approaches at the local level. This requires strengthening access to information for civil society actors and their capacity to generate sustainable development projects.

Civil society actors and media have been strategically targeted to reach a wide range of actors. The synergy between communities, as well as the technical and financial partnerships we have impulse, are likely to provide the required maturities for concrete actions in developing countries. This will be reinforced by structural reforms that directly and indirectly engage local actors to become real instruments of sustainable development that benefit people.


Citizen engagement is essential to meet the Sustainable development goals challenge. Digital tools are a lever for a new development support model. Thanks to their participatory and supportive operating methods, actions that combine formation, action and sharing generate a virtuous circle for sustainable development.