Bantian Block

Bantian Block

2021-02-24 17:54:06 mana 135

Bantian street, belonging to Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, is located at the junction of Futian, Longgang and Longhua districts in the central part of Shenzhen. It is located in the geometric center of Shenzhen Guanhui. It is connected with Buji and Jihua streets in the East, Luohu District in the south, Longhua Street in the West and Guanhu street in Longhua District in the north, covering an area of 28.51 square kilometers. As of October 2019, Bantian street has 16 communities under its jurisdiction. As of June 2020, the number of permanent residents in Bantian streets was about 664 thousand, and the registered residence population was about 76 thousand.

Bantian street is a demonstration base for the integration of science and technology industry and urban development in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. In 2017, Bantian street had 362 state-level high-tech enterprises, with a total of more than 100000 patents, and 22 key laboratories and technology centers, which ranked among the core innovation platforms of "Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong Macao science and technology innovation corridor".

In 2018, the GDP of Bantian Street reached 240.855 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 18.7%, accounting for 56.17% of Longgang District.

